Monday, June 02, 2008

From an email to a friend, right after ManU's CL win in the Final:

"I told myself I wouldn't watch this Final, because no matter who won, I'd be upset. Then, after half time, I convinced myself I should watch because maybe -- and I swear this is true --maybe Ronaldo would get gruesomely injured or miss a game-deciding penalty kick. (I was "rooting" for Chelsea to deny ManU the double.) I started to watch in the second half, and Chelsea looked to be the better squad. Of course, when Ronaldo choked on the third spot kick, I almost wet my pants with happiness.

When Terry -- who played an absolutely masterful second half, he really has the best positioning sense of any centre back in the world -- stepped up for that fifth kick, I thought: there is no way Captain Britain chokes here. But he did. If you play on a wet field, you know you must mind your plant foot on any kick, and definitely on a penalty kick. He did not, and his tiny slip sent the ball into the post, and him into all time CL goat-dom. He doesn't deserve it, because he saved a goal in the waning minutes of the game, so if it weren't for him, there would have been no penalty kicks anyway. But people still think of Baggio's miss in the 94 Cup every time he's

Looks like Chelsea used up all their luck getting past Pool."



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