Tuesday, July 25, 2006

One team I am not considering for fanship: Man U. Even assuming the loathesome Cristiano Ronaldo departs, something about their carriage rubs me the wrong way. One might find this odd coming from a longtime Yankees fan. But my Yankee fanship was involuntary -- I grew up in NY and my father rooted for them when I was a boy. You love who you root for as a kid, even if some of the team's traits (arrogance, high-priced dominance, etc.) are traits that may objectively turn you off in others.

The cosmic balance is even, though, because the other team I inherited from Dad was the Buffalo Bills.



At 11:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am your cosmic balance mirror image: NY football Giants, and the NY Mets.

Let me leave you with this: Giants 20, Bills 19.


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